Former Vatican Bank chief: New World Order insiders are rigging the Vatican

 Population Control

ROME,  (LifeSiteNews) — The demographic collapse of the West in recent decades was planned in order to create the necessary conditions to usher in a New World Order, and the authors of this collapse are now influencing the Vatican at the highest levels, the former president of the Vatican bank has said.

Speaking at the first international conference of the John Paul II academy for human life and the family, Italian economist and banker Ettore Gotti Tedeschi said efforts to decrease the world’s population by globalist elites have set in motion a series of predictable and intended economic, geo-political, and social catastrophes meant to “persuade” people around the world to accept a global “political vision” that would eliminate national sovereignty and institute “gnostic environmentalism” as its “universal religion.”

The recurrent themes of the present papacy are poverty, immigration and the environment, and we are led to believe that these are caused by “the greed of bankers, war and man, the “cancer of nature.” But this is “fake news” according to Gotti Tedeschi. For him, the cause behind all of these scourges is the “collapse in births.” 

The people pushing this fake news, he said, are “gnostic prophets” such as population control proponents Paul Ehrlich, Jeffrey Sachs and Ban Ki-moon who, rejecting the natural law and the divine order of creation, seek to proselytize the world with their “anti-Catholic gnosis.” 

According to Gotti Tedeschi, the “greatest enemy” of the New World Order is the family because it provides “education, autonomy and independence” from the state. Its second enemy is the Catholic Church and yet these gnostic prophets are “rewriting genesis in the halls of the Vatican.”

“It was planned”

“The demographic collapse was planned without any doubt,” Gotti Tedeschi said. “It is unthinkable that the decision makers in the United States and around the world did not know what they would have created by refusing life and the natural law.” 

The Italian financier said the economic collapse has been caused by a “collapse in births,” not because couples are having no children, but because they are not having enough to provide economic growth. “Zero growth is two children for a couple,” he said. “Zero growth is substitution,” with the consequence that “GDP stops growing.” Governments have “solved” this problem by “increasing consumerism” and outsourcing production, primarily to Asia.

But as the demographic collapse results in an ever larger aging population, so governments must increase taxes to absorb the costs of those living in retirement, he explained, resulting in a crippling effect on GDP and nations’ economies. “It can appear to grow, but it is a big bluff invented in the last 30 years,” he said. 

Gotti Tedeschi believes that none of this has happened by chance, and that the decrease in population was needed in order to produce a crisis in the global economy and so make it easier to usher in a New World Order. “Economy is a formidable means of persuasion,” he said. “It is the best excuse to make people around the world accept a conclusion.”

He referred to the “Kissinger Report,” which he said was partly an attempt to “homogenize culture” by relativizing religion and “if possible, creating religious syncretism.” This goal is helped by immigration, leading to a potentially dangerous mix of religious dogmas that could “cause war.” 

The population control movement in the United States dates back to the pro-nazi, pro-eugenics founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger. In 1969, President Richard Nixon criticized population growth in the third world, a problem later addressed by the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future in 1972, directed by J.D. Rockefeller III. At the time, American geo-stratestists thought that population growth in the third world was a threat to American international interests.

This led to the National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200), published by Henry Kissinger two years later, in 1974. The 200-page report specifically states that population growth in the third world is a threat to American international interests because the growing populations need too many resources and the Western industrial system, for example, needs the resources of Africa. The report also called for increased funding to be given to Planned Parenthood.

“Everything was planned,” Gotti Tedeschi believes, lamenting the fact that documents such as the Kissinger Report have largely not been read. 

He said the threat of environmental catastrophe, which he calls “fake news,” is now used to push for a reduction in the population gap between East and West. Not only that, but the growing gap between “too many rich and old” people and “too many young people who are unemployed” is used to “create the spirit for accepting euthanasia.” Such a mentality is “criminal,” he said, as he recalled Italy’s Prime Minister (he didn’t say which) telling him one could cut the cost of government expenditure “in one second” through euthanasia which would “cut 25% of the population over 60 years old.” 

Gotti Tedeschi also drew attention to the current tension between globalism and nationalism: those who wish for a Europe that helps single countries grow as opposed to globalists who would prefer a Europe that governs all countries and eliminates national sovereignty. 

So what can the Church do? “The Church will either collide or be isolated,” he said. But “something has happened that should worry a lot of people,” he added referring to recent actions taken, in particular, by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. 

Those currently advising the “top of the Church,” he observed, are population control advocates such as Paul Ehrlich, Jeffrey Sachs, and the former UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon — people he calls “gnostic prophets.” 

To transform the “divine genesis into a gnostic genesis,” and to do this at the Pontifical Academy inside the Vatican would be their “masterpiece,” he said. 

“We are near” to this happening, he added. “This should worry everyone.”